Monday, January 31, 2011

Fruit Translation

     For our fruit translation exercise we had a choice of two different pieces of fruit to recreate. I chose the peach because I thought it was more realistic than the other fruit. I also really liked the transition of color along the outside of the peach in the back. Using the gradient tool was a challenge but I'm fairly happy with the outcome of this piece.

Logo Translation


     The Logo Exercise showed our ability to recreate logos using Adobe Illustrator. We were given eight logos and we had to choose four to recreate. I chose the FedEx, WWF, Texaco, and Chilis logos because I felt they would best show my ability to use the shape and pen tools.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Circle Exercise


     For this exercise, we used Adobe Illustrator to create a design using only black circles. We were required to have at least 100 circles. This was my first time using Adobe Illustrator. It was a great way to practice creating shapes and moving them around the artboard.

Video Responses

The first video we watched about “Computer Literacy for the Mac” explained what operating systems are and why they’re important for running programs on a computer. It’s important to always have the most up-to-date operating system. This will ensure that you’ll be able to download and use most applications. The newest operating systems for Mac and Microsoft are Mac OS X and Windows 7, respectively. Most applications are available for Mac and Windows.
The second video taught us how to properly use folders. The narrator interactively displayed a folder and showed us all the possible ways to view the folder and its contents. We learned that after double clicking on the folder icon that appears on your desktop, you are able to choose which display you prefer to view the folder’s contents. List view displays additional material such as the size of the folder and when it was created. Column view allows you to track the path you took to get to the contents. Sub-folders can also be created to organize the contents of the folder. Both videos were concise and I learned a lot of new information. The narration during the interactive display was very easy to follow and helpful.